PeGHAN group holds half a day of study every year. These are geared for clinicians (consultants/trainees/SAS/GPs/resident doctors) and AHP.
We aim to cover common themes that are faced by clinicians in a busy district general hospital with varying resource availability. This study day is on Fabricated Illness with GI theme.
We are fortunate to have Dr Anna Piggot, Consultant Gastroenterologist at Royal Stoke Hospital, Dr Helen Morris, Consultant Paediatrician at Birmingham Children’s Hospital and Dr Shashwat Saran, Community Paediatrician at University Hospital Hartlepool.
3 cases on similar themes will be presented by trainees/ PeGHAN consultants. This will be 10 min long slot. Abstract submission is now closed.
- Date: 18th October 2024
- Time: 12:00 – 17:00
- Platform: Zoom
- RCPCH CPD applied for
- Registration is must
- Free for trainees
- Certificate of attendance/presentation will be given on receiving feedback form