Eosinophilic Oesophagitis Working Group Formed 2020
Committee Members:
- Marcus Auth, Chair, Consultant, Liverpool eoe@bspghan.org.uk
- Jenny Epstein, Consultant, Chelsea
- Nadeem Afzal, Consultant, Southampton
- Mark Furman, Consultant, Royal Free
- Diana Flynn, Consultant, Glasgow
- Joe Chan, trainee, Bristol
- Vinod Kolimarala, Research and Surveys, Maidstone
- Kerryn Moolenschoot, Dietician, St George’s
- Lucy Jackman, Dietician, GOSH
- Hema Kannappan, PeGHAN Rep (2021 - 2024)
- Corresponding members:
Patient and Public Involvement (PPI)
Amanda Cordell, Eos Network
Julie Harrington, GutsUK
On invitation: psychologist, immunologist/allergist (contacts to Royal Free and Southampton), histopathologist, statistician, pharmacologist, adult gastroenterologist.
Contact Details: eoe@bspghan.org.uk
The EoE group has developed a Dietetic Algorithm for children with Eoe - this is available to download here