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British Society of Paediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition


Please address all membership enquiries to BSPGHAN administration:


The Society's rules for Membership are defined in the Constitution
The Society permits several categories of membership:
Full Membership (Consultant, Associate Specialists, Staff Grades, Research Fellows, Basic Scientists and Trainees); Honorary Membership, Corresponding Membership and Associate Membership

Rule 4 states:

Membership: Full Membership shall be available, upon payment of the appropriate fee, to Consultants, Associate Specialists, Staff Grades, Specialist Trainees, Lecturers, Research Fellows and basic scientists in any speciality who are committed to an area of paediatric gastroenterology, hepatology or nutrition.   All  Members will have voting rights at the Annual General Meeting and Special Meetings. Proposals for Full Membership shall be submitted to the Council by a full member on the Society’s Proposal Form. Proposals for Full Membership shall be submitted to the Membership Secretary, Administrator and Convenor. BSPGHAN Convenor  shall be responsible for deciding on the suitability of applicants for membership of the society. Applications may be put forward to the Council if there is a need to discuss any relating issues such as a suitable proposer not being available for the new applicant.

Those approved for membership will be required to complete a Member’s Registration Form and to pay the Society’s annual subscription in order to become a member. 

Members who resign from society will not be entitled to reimbursement of fees. 

Members owing 2 years of membership fees or equivalent debt to the society will be regarded as no longer in good standing with the society. They will be formally requested in writing for payment to be made within 30 days. Members, who continue to remain in other than good standing with the Society, may have their membership withdrawn by the Society following discussion at Council.  

Honorary Membership* may be conferred by the Society, at the recommendation of Council, upon distinguished colleagues who have made an outstanding contribution to paediatric gastroenterology, whether they be members of the Society or not. Upon retirement, Full Members may apply in writing to the Convenor to become Honorary Members. Honorary Members are not be required to pay the annual subscription fee and do not have voting rights at the Annual General Meeting nor at Special Meetings.  Honorary members will not be granted access to Members’ Only Area of website or online access to Frontline Gastroenterology 

*Honorary membership entitles person to: 

  1. Full consultant Member's rates at BSPGHAN conferences and affiliated societies
  2. Reimbursement of expenses, in accordance with BSPGHAN guidelines at council and elsewhere
  3. Right to be a member of a working group

Addition to Rule 4: The BAPS representative (Surgeon) nominated to represent BAPS on the BSPGHAN council will automatically become an honorary member of the BSPGHAN, for time serving on council, if already not member of  BSPGHAN.   

Associate Membership shall be available, upon payment of an appropriate concessionary fee, to any non-medically qualified health professionals who are committed to clinical service and/or research in paediatric gastroenterology, hepatology or nutrition. Associate Members  will have voting rights at the Annual General Meeting or at Special Meetings. 

Rule 5 states:  (Members moving abroad)

Members moving abroad may request to become Corresponding Members and shall pay a Corresponding Membership charge.  Membership shall be open to Paediatric Gastroenterologists and Hepatologists from overseas for the duration of their clinical or research attachments in the UK. On their departure they would normally be required to become Corresponding Members if they so desired.

Student membership shall be available to undergraduate medical and allied health care students upon payment of an appropriate concessionary fee.  Student members may quality for reduced registration rates for the BSPGHAN Annual meeting to be decided by the local organizer.

Members temporarily working outside the specialty may request to become Suspended Members for up to 2 years and re-join the Society without reapplying. If membership is suspended for more than 2 years, a Full Member shall be required to submit a further nomination for full membership to Council on the Society’s proposal form. If a further proposal were not received then the person would be removed from the Society’s mailing list.

Students or Suspended members would not be required to pay the annual subscription fee and would not have voting rights at the annual general meeting or at Special meetings. Suspended members would not be entitled to membership benefits such as reduced rates for BSPGHAN or BSPGHAN affiliated meetings.

Rule 14 states:
Members wishing to relinquish full membership shall have the opportunity of resignation or adoption of Corresponding Membership.

To become a full member the following is required:

  • You must fulfil the criteria for Full Membership detailed in the Constitution.
  • You must be nominated by an existing Full Member of BSPGHAN.
  • The application should contain (a) a statement of support from the nominator, and (b) a short (2 page) Curriculum Vitae which includes your email address. Please complete the online form below.
  • Your nomination will be considered at Council (usually within 5 working days) and your nominator will be informed of the Council's decision by email.

To become an Associate Member the following is required:

  • You must fulfil the criteria for Associate Membership as detailed in the Constitution.
  • The application should contain (a) a letter justifying your suitability for Associate Membership (b) a short (2 page) Curriculum Vitae which includes your email address, and (c) complete the online form below.

Your nomination will be considered by the convenor and decision notified via email.

Astor Rodrigues
BSPGHAN Convenor 2023 - 2026

Membership fees:  2023

Full member (as above): £125 per year

Associate Members (Allied Health Professionals): £25.00 per year

Overseas members: £41.00 per year.

Membership year runs from 1st April to 31st March. Payment is by Direct Debit except for members who do not have a UK bank account and cannot set up a direct debit

BAPEN is now offering free membership to all BSPGHAN members.  For full details go to

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