Paediatricians with an Interest in Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition (PeGHAN)
I am delighted to welcome you all to the new website content for PEGHAN. We are a strong group now comprising 55 active members and we wish to add to that number. I am sure there are a significant number of Paediatricians in different corners of the country who are practising Gastroenterology as an interest but are not aware of this group. If you are one such person or know such a person who should be in this group, please contact either BSPGHAN Administrator ( or myself ( to join the group . This is extremely important as a close knit community in UK for establishing rational shared care networks . We , as a Society are striving towards that .
As a group, we have active participating members in different working groups of the society, where we uphold the views of a General Paediatrician from a DGH settings and ensure we are represented in policy making.
We meet annually during the BSPGHAN Annual Conference to discuss issues pertaining specifically to DGH Paediatricians. This happens on the 3rd day of the meeting (usually Friday) at 8:00 am. We welcome any DGH Paediatrician with an interest to join our forum .
Apart from this, we have an active Whatsapp group, see below for further information, through which we communicate and pose clinical questions relevant to our practice. If you wish to be a part of that group, kindly contact me to add your number .
If you are a trainee or you have a trainee who wish to pursue SPIN Training in Gastroenterology and wish to have some information, please do not hesitate to contact me and I will be happy to guide you through the process. You can also get more information in the Royal College website through the link
The SPIN Curriculum that will come into force from January 2021 has now been approved. Ttrainees currently in the old SPIN module must complete this by end of December 2020.
Activity for near future - We are looking to update the SPIN competency framework curriculum in accordance with the new Progress competency domains and will be looking for contributions from members.
Kind Regards
Himadri Chakraborty
Chair PeGHAN BSPGHAN Group, 2019 - 2022
PeGHAN Committee

Himadri Chakraborty
CSAC Advisor for SPIN training

Tushar Banerjee
Motility Working Group Representative
Giri Ghantasala
Nutrition Working Group Representative
Siba Paul
Coeliac Working Group Representative
Nandini Kumaraguru
Endoscopy Working Group Representative
Mashood Ayaz
IBD Working Group Representative
PEGHAN What's App Group basic rules
1. The aim is to encourage idea sharing and improve communication.
2. It is not for discussing patients or for specific clinic advice. Discussion about clinical topics eg "do you do DEXA scans for your patients with coeliac disease?"Is fine.
3. Any documents such as checklists guidelines and leaflets etc which are shared are not endorsed by PEGHAN or BSPGHAN and the society is not responsible for content. If documents are adapted or used it is the users responsibility to ensure they are safe and appropriate for use. There is never a replacement for good clinical judgement.
4. We hope that by facilitating communication we can encourage collaboration, share good practice and avoid centres "re-inventing the wheel" when other centres can share information.
5. We are all professionals and would naturally expect polite, constructive posts. Any member posting inappropriate or abusive posts will be removed from the group.