Hepatology Guidelines
Proposed Prolonged Jaundice Pathway following national audit 2022-2023
Acute Liver Failure Guidelines by the The American College of Gastroenterology
AGA Clinical Practice Update on Diagnosis and Management of Acute Hepatic Porphyrias: Expert Review
Early investigation and management of children with acute non-A-E hepatitis, with and without liver failure
This clinical framework is intended to provide a structure for the investigation, transfer and management of children with novel non-A-E acute hepatitis in the context of an emergence of a novel disease.
The recommendations within this guidance are based on existing principles of management of acute hepatitis and acute liver failure and on expert consensus opinion in the absence of high quality evidence around this novel condition.
Assessment and Management of Oesophageal Varices in Children
Joint Guideline of the Children’s Specialised Liver Services at King’s, Birmingham, and Leeds
These guidelines were constructed after a joint audit and review of practice at the three specialised centres in June 2016 and reviewed again in 2021. Although evidence based where possible, where not available they represent consensus. A detailed version of this guideline which includes review of evidence, together with reference to adult evidenced based guidelines is available. Section 4: management of acute variceal bleed: is designed for implementation at any hospital to which a child presents and can be used as a stand-alone guideline.
UK Fatty Liver Guidelines August 2020 These guidelines were constructed after a joint audit and review at the three specialised paediatric hepatology centres.
Updated shielding guidance for children with chronic liver disease and those on immunosuppression (autoimmune and liver transplantation) 5th July 2020 Update 27th July 2020: These guidelines will be updated in due course and in line with government and PHE policy.
Investigation and treatment of liver disease with acute onset
2013 Guidelines under review and will be updated shortly.
The following guidelines and standards have been published by NICE and ESPGHAN and are available for information. However, please do not hesitate to contact your local Paediatric Hepatology Team to discuss management of a child with any liver disorder: