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British Society of Paediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition

Inflammatory Bowel Disease Working Group

Group Chair (2024- 2027): Anthi Thangarajah

Overview/aims and objectives of the Group:

The IBD working group has been leading on and contributed to multiple projects within the key categories outlined below (with examples of completed project over the last 3 years). Our aim is to ensure that there is strong PIBD representation within national IBD committees and groups (including the British Society of Gastroenterology), to highlight shortcomings and promote improvement of care for children and young people with IBD.

1. Collaborative National and International Surveys and Guideline Development 

  • International RAND Panel to evaluate the use of thromboprophylaxis in paediatric inflammatory bowel disease (collaboration with international PIBD expert group led by Richard Hansen, Aberdeen)
  • Genomic diagnosis and care co-ordination for monogenic inflammatory bowel disease in children and adults: consensus guideline on behalf of the British Society of Gastroenterology and British Society of Paediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition (collaboration with national and international mIBD experts led by Holm Uhlig, Oxford).
  • Variation in access and prescription of vedolizumab and ustekinumab in paediatric inflammatory bowel disease patients: a UK-wide study (UK wide survey led by the IBD Working Group).
  • IBDUK: IBD Survey: The IBD WK was actively involved in developing the next version of the Survey with stronger emphasis on developing/adapting paediatric IBD-related questions.
  • James Lind Alliance Digital Technology for Adolescents and Young Persons with Inflammatory Bowel Disease Priority Setting Partnership (collaboration with group of IBD experts and IBD stakeholders led by Priya Narula and Naila Arebi).

2. Supporting IBD Training and Teaching 

  • BSPGHAN PIBD Fellow Framework: This project aims to provide a structured framework to outline PIBD training for doctors in stand-alone middle-grade posts (IBD Working Group)

3. Platform for PIBD related activities and projects across the UK

  • Network of Paediatric IBD Centres: NEPIC aims to capture paediatric centres in the UK and their lead IBD clinician and CNS. The NEPIC Map will be kept in the members area of the BSPGHAN homepage.

4. WG representation in other societies including allied HCP groups 

  • IBD WG is represented in the Royal College of Nursing (RCN) Inflammatory Bowel Disease Network
  • BSG IBD Section Committee
  • IBD UK Board

List of members:

Ms Gemma Lee (PIBD CNS)

Ms Natasha Burgess (PIBD CNS)

Dr Anthi Thangarajah (PGE Consultant)

Dr Astor Rodrigues (PGE Consultant)

Dr Kelsey Jones (PGE Consultant)

Dr Kwang Yang Lee (PGE Consultant)


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