Improving care for children with gastrointestinal, liver and nutritional disorders
We encourage applications from members, associate, and trainee members of BSPGHAN.
The programme aims to support the strategy led by BSPGHAN, the interests of the wider membership of the society and in particular the patients under our care.
The primary aim of this grant is to support a new innovation and approach which is intended to lead to an improvement of care and outcomes in children with GI, liver and nutritional disorders. This is not aimed at generating new research findings but practical and realistic approaches to improving patient outcomes.
This might include:
- The development and uptake of innovative projects, technologies and interventions for the benefit of patients being cared for by members of BSPGHAN.
- Projects that display a “first of their kind” or emerging practice approach.
- New approaches or resources that support membership and the clinical team in improving care which could be replicated or used by others.
- Supporting pilot projects, which target unmet, or poorly met, healthcare needs and can be applied more widely if shown to be of benefit.
- Translational funding for projects that have demonstrated ‘proof-of-principle’ and have the potential for clinical use.
- Taking an idea, product, technology or intervention to the stage at which it is sufficiently validated and developed to be attractive to follow-on funders or investors.
Criteria for assessment
- Clarity and feasibility of the application in the timescale expected.
- Size of benefit and assessment of impact of the proposal (most important).
- Originality.
- Potential for wider application (e.g. in collaborative applications).
- Cost effectiveness.
- “Green” projects that can contribute to a lower carbon footprint will be particularly welcome in 2023.
Funds available
A total of 10,000 pounds would be available for one successful project to be awarded in 2023.
The innovative Grants Programme will not fund:
- Early stage or basic science research.
- Projects that are already at a stage of development where funding from industry or venture capital could reasonably be secured or has received part funding from industry.
- Drug development (except for re-purposing of approved medicines).
- Proposals to conduct stand-alone clinical trials that are not preceded by a programme of R&D, pilot studies or technology development (except for re-purposing of approved medicines).
- Health delivery research by the NHS where the focus is on the broad adoption, dissemination and uptake of products, technologies and interventions within the NHS.
- Delivery or provision of health services by or within the NHS.
Applicant eligibility
The lead applicant must be UK-based and a fully paid-up member of BSPGHAN for at least 6 months.
Support letters by the chair of the relevant BSPGHAN Working Group or a member of Council or external professionals who are recognised experts within the area specific to the application, are encouraged.
A collaboration would be looked on favourably where it strengthens the overall proposal.
“Green” projects that can contribute to a lower carbon footprint will be particularly welcome in 2023.
- All applications must be made in English.
- Applications will be received until the midnight of Thursday the 30th of May 2023 and will be reviewed by the BSPGHAN Research Committee.
- All co-applicant(s) and collaborator(s) original signatures must be submitted. Details of any collaboration should be included and a letter confirming agreement from each collaborator should be submitted. If the project includes work with patients please ensure a letter of written support is supplied from a clinical collaborator.
- Please complete and submit your application online.
Acknowledgement of applications
Applicants will receive confirmation via email once an application is submitted. Unless the charity requires further information, no correspondence will be entered into until the results are notified. Applicants are especially requested not to initiate contact with the administrator during the review process.
Unsuccessful applications
The members of the BSPGHAN research committee will feedback the comments. Reapplications can be made provided on the following call for BSPGHAN Innovation Grants.
Successful applicants:
- All projects will be completed within one year of receiving the funding.
- Will present their proposal in a session at the first annual BSPGHAN meeting after receiving the funding.
- Present the outcome of the project at BSPGHAN annual meeting one year later.
- Will be encouraged to apply to the BMJ innovation or similar awards following completion of the project.
BSPGHAN will only reimburse direct costs. The charity will not fund indirect costs nor will it pay on a percentage basis.
Directly incurred costs are actual costs that are explicitly identifiable as arising from the conduct of a project (e.g. staff salaries, equipment, materials, travel).
Directly allocated costs are costs of resources used by a project that are shared by other activities and based on estimates (e.g. principal and co-investigator costs, estates costs).
Indirect costs are non-specific costs charged across all projects that are based on estimates (e.g. HR and finance services, library costs).
Staff costs: Basic salary should be stated for each individual. Provision for London weighting, superannuation and National Insurance should be shown separately. An appropriate grading and salary must be quoted even where a named assistant cannot be specified; both grading and salary should have the approval of the appropriate administrative officer of the institution where the assistant would be employed.
Other recurrent: Details must be given. Grants do not cover administrative expenses or costs involved in attending conferences.
Equipment: Any special equipment can be part of the funding but it would be expected that if shown to be useful other centres could get the same equipment to allow widespread usage.
Inflationary rate: Inflation will not be paid.