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British Society of Paediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition

RCPCH How to Manage: Gastroenterology


This online course provides you with a clinical approach to effectively investigate and manage common gastrointestinal presentations in children and young people.

BSPGHAN Education Series- Trainee Presentations- Register Here


Topic and Speakers: An Interesting Case of Button Battery Ingestion- Neil McConnell The Indirect Impact of Covid-19 on Child Health- Loucia Ashikkali Expert Panelist: Dr Christine Spray, Bristol Royal Hospital for Children To register:  

BSPGHAN Virtual Annual Meeting 2021


Please visit the Conference website for details on the Virtual BSPGHAN Annual Meeting 27th – 29th April 2021 We would like to welcome you to see the outline for the novel 2021 virtual BSPGHAN Annual Meeting. The At A Glance Programme can be downloaded  here Please register NOW for the meeting here. 2020 has been a notable year. […]


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© 2021 British Society of Paediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition  l Charity Number 299294 l VAT registration number 323665308