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British Society of Paediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition


Welcome to the British Society of Paediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition (known as BSPGHAN), the national, professional and academic society which represents specialty colleagues working for infants, children and young people with digestive and liver disorders.


BSPGHAN is a society that brings together colleagues from a range of professional disciplines and is recognised by the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health (RCPCH) as the society responsible for this field of paediatric medicine.

BSPGHAN’s membership  is renowned for its friendliness and inclusivity. Membership stands at around 500 members, comprising consultants and specialist trainees in paediatric gastroenterology, hepatology and nutrition;  affiliated health care professionals such as specialist dieticians, nurses, pharmacists, clinical psychologists and scientists. This breadth of membership is a great benefit to the society and the wide range or professionals serve to represent our models of care for families. BSPGHAN has Professional groups and Working Parties to advocate for the key issues that our patients face.

Read more about us here.


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Save the Date

39th Annual Meeting

Wednesday 19th - Friday 21st March 2025
Hilton Newcastle Gateshead

News and Updates

President Update 14th June 2020

President Update 14th June 2020

Dear members COVID-19 has sadly shown that colleagues and patients from BAME communities have been disproportionately affected by COVID-19. Acknowledging and actively mitigating health inequalities is rightly high on our agenda. Recent events have additionally brought into sharp focus the need to tackle discrimination of any kind.  Many young people have led the way and seized the opportunity to highlight  these issues peacefully. Thinking of the  young people we look after, an opinion piece in The Lancet Child & Adolescent Health has highlighted the damaging long term consequences of lack of face to face contact among young people and their peers. We are now actively offering personalised discussions with families and young people to support continued shielding or easing of restrictions.  Not all those children and young people who are currently advised to shield...

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President Update 7th June 2020

President Update 7th June 2020

Dear members This week there is has been much to watch. We are uncertain what releasing of lockdown means in terms of keeping our patients and ourselves safe; what antibody testing of NHS staff may mean, if contact tracing, and wearing of surgical masks in public, and quarantine for travellers,  may contain a second wave of Covid-19.  We are watching out for the new paediatric multi system inflammatory syndrome, vaccine development , and the scramble for Covid-19 trial outcomes. What does seem certain is that harnessing new ways of working, planning the recovery of services and maintaining social distancing will be important to maintain for many months as we move out of lockdown and start to resume paused activity. Please do take the time to respond to the request the questions in the survey so that Bspghan can support members in capturing beneficial clinical changes Update to RCPCH advice - Shielding children BSPGHAN continues to work with colleagues in the RCPCH to...

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President Update 28th May 2020: BSPGHAN Updated Shielding Guidance and Advice on Returning to School for Children with Gastrointestinal, Liver and Nutritional problems

President Update 28th May 2020: BSPGHAN Updated Shielding Guidance and Advice on Returning to School for Children with Gastrointestinal, Liver and Nutritional problems

Dear members,   Please find: 1. BSPGHAN Updated shielding guidance and advice on returning to school for children with gastrointestinal, liver and nutritional problems and 2. BSPGHAN IBD Working Group - Coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) and COVID-19 in children with IBD- Position Statement: Guidance for Returning to School  Best wishes Sue Protheroe  BSPGHAN President  28th May 2020 

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President Update 28th May 2020: BSPGHAN Updated Shielding Guidance and Advice on Returning to School for Children with Gastrointestinal, Liver and Nutritional problems

President Update 17th May 2020:
1. BSPGHAN Award
2. Return to school -RCPCHadvice
3. ESPGHAN Parental advice
4. JAG accreditation and endoscopy recovery

BSPGHAN awardI am delighted to announce that Kwang Yang Lee has been awarded a BSPGHAN award for innovation in recognition of his significant achievements. You will be aware that Kwang Yang has redeveloped the BSPGHAN web site to offer a professional appearance, high quality illustrations and ease of navigation, giving the site the refreshment that was due. The award was also given for appreciation of the Covid Information Hub, helping members stay informed during the pandemic and for organising the regular BSPGHAN endorsed Zoom teaching for trainees. I am sure you will wish to congratulate him on this award. Please also get in touch if you can offer remote teaching e-mail you.   Principles to help paediatricians talk to children and families about returning to school. has been working in partnership with the RCPCH on Speciality...

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President Update 10th May 2020 Presidents update – BSPGHAN consensus statements on paediatric endoscopy recovery and EoE; Responses from Survey; • Thanks from BSPGHAN to charitable partners • Advocacy for trainees •Articles of interest

BSPGHAN is working to support recovery and restoration plans. We are revising the list of conditions for children who should be shielded in line with what we know about the risks associated with COVID-19. This work, with the RCPCH, should provide the basis for advice on who should continue to shield once schools return. It emphasises the need for identification to be led by paediatricians/MDTs for those instances beyond a small core list of severe conditions.    Content of todays bulletin NEW BSPGHAN consensus statements on endoscopy recovery and management of EoE (attached and will be added to Covid Information Hub)Survey feedback (attached)Thanks from BSPGHAN to charitable partnersAdvocacy for traineesArticles of interestNEW Check out the BSPGHAN Covid Information Hub BSPGHAN consensus statement on Paediatric endoscopy recovery and restoration during the Covid-19 pandemic May 10th 2020...

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President Update 7th June 2020

President Update 3rd May 2020

I hope this email finds you in continuing good health.  We are taking stock while coming through a "peak " of hospitalisations and set to enter the second phase in the NHS’s response to Covid-19. On April 29th we heard from the NHS CE and CEO about:- ​Increased Covid-19 testing capacity - a pilot followed by roll out of regular testing to asymptomatic staff, guided by PHE and clinical advice.  NHS to step up non-Covid19 urgent services as soon as possible with attention to infection prevention and control and start of some routine non-urgent elective care. Provisional plans to factor-in the availability of associated medicines, PPE, blood, consumables, equipment and other needed supplies.Expanded winter flu vaccination campaign alongside a school immunisation ‘catch up programme’. Now more than ever a safety and learning culture is vital. BSPGHAN has been working with the RCPCH, PHE and...

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President Update 23 April 2020- 1. NICE Guidance gastro and liver conditions 2. CCUK Decision tree for children 3. Vulnerable children guidance 4. Zoom teaching for trainees

Dear members, I hope this message finds you well. BSPGHAN has been working with key stakeholders on rapid guidance. Please have a look at the following links-  1. COVID-19 rapid guideline on gastrointestinal and liver conditions Gastrointestinal and liver conditions treated with drugs affecting the immune response 2. CCUK decision tree for children- isolation/ social distancing and shieldingApplicability of "shielding" is complex for children as the evidence for risk of serious illness / mortality from Covid-19 amongst children who are immune suppressed is very limited. This decision tree for families is welcome. If you’d like to share via social media there is also a short link also RCPCH Shielding list . 3. Vulnerable children guidance There are unintended consequence of lockdown on...

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President Easter Message to BSPGHAN members

President Easter Message to BSPGHAN members

Dear all I  hope this finds you all well and spending time to rest and restore your batteries over the long weekend.  The anticipation of working in different ways and the pressure of making new judgements for patient care has been stressful.  The calmness of the NHS and other frontline carers and their leaders has been remarkable in the face of constant change and education. Their anxiety about risks, protecting themselves and their loved ones at home is real. We hope that increasing knowledge of the virus, on keeping a safe distance and being as well protected as possible, gives them some of the peace of mind that they need.    It is truly touching to see the tributes for key workers and the acknowledgement of the vital roles that all workers play.  Keep cascading the message to parents that we are open for "business as usual" as per the RCPCH recent campaign (see link) and keep good records of those who need to be seen later on. ...

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COVID-19 and the gastrointestinal tract: emerging clinical data

President Update 7th April 2020: BSPGHAN IBD Working group statement and Parent /Carer Information Leaflet April 7th 2020

Dear Members,  I do hope that this message finds you and your families and friends in continuing good health. It is an unsettling update today on the situation as it unfolds, as it is anticipated that there will be a rapid climb of Covid-19 to hit our hospitals and community services this week and next.   The focus has to be on pulling together as an NHS team to incident manage life threatening situations. When we emerge from this, there will be an important recovery phase to plan for.   Today, BSPGHAN has helped to kick start the process and contributed towards a Gap Analysis to feed back via the RCPCH to NHS E. This will help planners understand the need for time dependent diagnostic procedures and appointments for patients who are referred with commonest or high risk PGHAN conditions.     I am indebted to the BSPGHAN IBD Working...

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Upcoming Events

Sheffield IBD Study Day with Professor Dan Turner

Sheffield Children's Hospital will be hosting Professor Dan Turner on 5th July 2024. The day promises to be an academic feast, with multiple talks and chance of personal interaction. We wanted […]

Practical Paediatric GI Motility Course

An exciting 2 day hands on, interactive motility course at Evelina Hospital will be held on 11-12 July 2024. The course will be focused on PH Impedance, Oesophageal and Anorectal Manometry, […]

UK Monogenic Inflammatory Bowel Disease Virtual Grand Round

Transforming the care of patients with complex inflammatory bowel disease. Genomic analysis is a foundation of precision medicine. With a better understanding of the molecular causes of inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD) […]

Glasgow Gastro Conference

The Royal College of Physicians & Surgeons of Glasgow are organising the next in person Glasgow Gastro Conference on the 13th September. Find out more

National Percutaneous Endocopic Gastrostomy Course

A unique opportunity to both observe and practice the different techniques of PEG insertion in children*WHERE? Northern General Hospital, Medical Education Centre, SheffieldWHEN? 13 September 2024 Course fees are £500. […]


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