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British Society of Paediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition


Welcome to the British Society of Paediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition (known as BSPGHAN), the national, professional and academic society which represents specialty colleagues working for infants, children and young people with digestive and liver disorders.


BSPGHAN is a society that brings together colleagues from a range of professional disciplines and is recognised by the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health (RCPCH) as the society responsible for this field of paediatric medicine.

BSPGHAN’s membership  is renowned for its friendliness and inclusivity. Membership stands at around 500 members, comprising consultants and specialist trainees in paediatric gastroenterology, hepatology and nutrition;  affiliated health care professionals such as specialist dieticians, nurses, pharmacists, clinical psychologists and scientists. This breadth of membership is a great benefit to the society and the wide range or professionals serve to represent our models of care for families. BSPGHAN has Professional groups and Working Parties to advocate for the key issues that our patients face.

Read more about us here.


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Save the Date

39th Annual Meeting

Wednesday 19th - Friday 21st March 2025
Hilton Newcastle Gateshead

News and Updates

President 2nd April 2020:  Update 1. Guidance for health professionals with IBD/liver disease 2. IBD registry tool  3. Guidance for trainees 4. treatment and vaccines for covid19 from EMA

President 2nd April 2020: Update 1. Guidance for health professionals with IBD/liver disease 2. IBD registry tool 3. Guidance for trainees 4. treatment and vaccines for covid19 from EMA

Please see the following updates  Guidance for health professionals with IBD or liver disease Cvid19 UK IBD registry tool for adult patients  The tool aims to help identify and reach moderate and high-risk IBD patients.  The IBD registry tool is currently restricted to those are are aged 18 years or older but they are working on extending its use to under 18s COVID-19 - RCPCH trainee progression in the UK through 2020 EMA press releases related to COVID-19: Update on treatments and vaccines against COVID-19 under development COVID-19: chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine only to be used in clinical trials or emergency use programmes, which includes...

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President 2nd April 2020:  Update 1. Guidance for health professionals with IBD/liver disease 2. IBD registry tool  3. Guidance for trainees 4. treatment and vaccines for covid19 from EMA

President update 31st March 2020 Latest NHS E HPN patient letter for circulation

Dear members Please share this updated letter C0106 HPN COVID patient information_UPDATED_27 March  with families of children on home parenteral nutrition. It outlines plans that home care providers are putting in place and changes that families may expect.  Please be aware of the latest advice.   "Keeping yourself safe" "The government is regularly updating its guidance on at-risk groups. In light of the  latest information your hospital teams now consider that patients on HPN are a high risk group, as you/your child have significant organ impairment (GI) and a central venous access device in place. This advice is endorsed by the British Society of Gastroenterology. It advises you to follow the guidance on ‘shielding’ stringently, as outlined by the government, and you are strongly advised to stay at home and avoid any face-to-face contact for at least 12 weeks in the first instance.This can be challenging but the consensus is it is the best way to...

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President update Monday 30th March 2020- Endoscopy and IBD statements from ESPGHAN

President update Monday 30th March 2020- Endoscopy and IBD statements from ESPGHAN

This is a challenging time but amid the concern, there are uplifting stories of how people are looking out for each other and communities pulling together. The children's rainbows of hope in windows and the national clap for carers to celebrate the work of the NHS and care workers on Thursday were much appreciated.    Information is useful—but too much information can be unhelpful. I have limited news updates to new information from consensus sources. We don't generally benefit from watching the news over and over. Try to focus instead on the things you need to get done. Value the rest of the time to relax with your family or friends and reach out to those who may not have such good support networks as you may have.  The bulletins below have some reassuring observations for our patients. I hope that these help guide your practice while working differently. 1 )Statement "Gastrointestinal endoscopy in children and COVID 19 pandemic" - ESPGHAN  Endoscopy Special Interest...

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President 2nd April 2020:  Update 1. Guidance for health professionals with IBD/liver disease 2. IBD registry tool  3. Guidance for trainees 4. treatment and vaccines for covid19 from EMA

BSG/JAG statement on personal protective equipment (PPE)

All upper GI endoscopy should be considered high risk and enhanced PPE is recommended for all patients, regardless of any risk stratification. BSG also considers lower GI endoscopies to be aerosol generating procedures (AGP) but the evidence for this is less strong and there is insufficient evidence to consider these as high risk at the present timeRisk stratification of patients by symptoms and temperature is of limited value, given the widespread prevalence and incubation period of up to 14 daysWe recognise the limited availability of PPE, especially FFP3 masks, and so case selection is critical, focussing only on emergency and absolutely essential procedures. Minimising the volume of emergency activity will help preserve PPE supply. Notes on FFP3 masks and enhanced PPE Proper fitting and testing prior to use Although 'single use' can use for several hours if not removed/contaminated FFP3 uncomfortable after prolonged wearing, may affect ease of procedure Cannot e.g. use phone,...

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President 2nd April 2020:  Update 1. Guidance for health professionals with IBD/liver disease 2. IBD registry tool  3. Guidance for trainees 4. treatment and vaccines for covid19 from EMA

President Update 26th March 2020

I know that you are all supporting each other and working together in new ways remotely and face to face. Please do sign post your families to the excellent links that are updated regularly for patients with IBD by CCUK See for patients with liver disease I want to draw your attention to the Urgent message from BSG/JAG on Endoscopy 26/3/20 ( message below) and message Summary of message Stop  Review  Re-organise NOW Below also see Updated Intercollegiate General Surgery Guidance on COVID-19               25th March 2020 Risk situations in surgery also include: Approaching a coughing patient, for example, even if COVID-19 has not been diagnosed. Protection including eye...

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President 2nd April 2020:  Update 1. Guidance for health professionals with IBD/liver disease 2. IBD registry tool  3. Guidance for trainees 4. treatment and vaccines for covid19 from EMA

President update 23rd March 2020

Dear members I would like to draw your attention to 3 important items today 23/3/20. Letter from Simon Stevens This  sets out important actions that the NHS should put in place to redirect staff and resources, building on multiple actions already in train. To:  Free-up the maximum possible inpatient and critical care capacity. Prepare for, and respond to, the anticipated large numbers of COVID-19 patients who will need respiratory support. Support staff, and maximise their availability.  Play our part in the wider population measures newly announced by Government. Stress-test operational readiness. Remove routine burdens, so as to facilitate the above 2. Letter from CMO Stephen Powis (attached) Advice concerning those who are or may be at increased risk of severe illness from COVID-19 Please see a letter suitable to be sent...

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President 2nd April 2020:  Update 1. Guidance for health professionals with IBD/liver disease 2. IBD registry tool  3. Guidance for trainees 4. treatment and vaccines for covid19 from EMA

COVID 19 update – President upate Guidance for Endoscopy activity re Coronavirus and expanded BSG consensus advice on management of IBD plus guidance on IBD and hepatology patient risk groups

Dear Members I trust this this finds you, family and colleagues well and bearing up in these difficult times. We find ourselves under exceptional circumstances.  I am indebted to members for coming together to support each other. We will need to step forward, share our skills as best and as appropriate as we can and reach out to those professionals who are most stretched. “.......and there are no more surgeons, urologists, orthopedists, we are only doctors who suddenly become part of a single team to face this tsunami that has overwhelmed us”. Dr Daniele Macchine, Bergamo, Italy, 9 March 2020” I would like to draw your attention to the following- Guidance for children’s services from NHS E and Advice on Covid 19 prevention and control to best keep yourself and your patients safe,  to be used in conjunction with local policies New BSPGHAN Endoscopy advice to be...

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President update Monday 30th March 2020- Endoscopy and IBD statements from ESPGHAN

COVID-19 update to BSPGHAN members 17/03/20

Dear BSPGHAN members  I trust that this message finds you and your families well.  I will try to provide updates if I receive advice which will help members plan services and support challenges due to workforce shortages.  Speciality specific advice Please see COVID-19: BSG and BASL advice for healthcare professionals in Gastroenterology and Hepatology  for speciality advice on Covid 19 for healthcare professionals in Gastroenterology and Hepatology.  General advice There is likely to be several changes in the guidance over this week and follow the most up to date guidance from  and specifically for your area, see the following links  Public Health England, Health Protection Scotland, Public Health Wales and Public Health Agency Northern Ireland. Paediatric advice The RCPCH are monitoring the evolving public health challenge of COVID-19 - and the risks...

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President update Monday 30th March 2020- Endoscopy and IBD statements from ESPGHAN

New Message from the President

Dear members I trust that this message finds you well. I am writing to notify you that following guidance, we have taken the decision to cancel our annual trainees and associates meeting in May. The priority is the safety of our staff, patients and families.  Trusts will be running incident management teams to deal with local issues and prioritising delivery of care.   To access regular advice, please see the RCPCH guidance for paediatric services  with links to information from statutory bodies in all UK nations that will be regularly updated. I have contributed to advice being prepared to plan for services for our patients and to support challenges that will be faced by our workforce.  Please check  the daily NHS England advice for health professionals at . Please see COVID-19: BSG and BASL advice for healthcare professionals in Gastroenterology and Hepatology for speciality advice on Covid 19 for healthcare professionals in Gastroenterology...

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National Audit of the quality standards for Paediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition (‘PGHAN Audit’)

National Audit of the quality standards for Paediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition (‘PGHAN Audit’)

Dear members I would like to personally thank the PGHAN Audit Steering Group, co chaired by John Fell and Ed Gaynor, Calvin Down from the RCPCH and all colleagues across the UK who have put time and effort into collecting and submitting information for the audit. This work continued to completion during the incredibly challenging circumstances of the COVID-19 pandemic. This report, published jointly by The British Society of Paediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition (BSPGHAN) and the RCPCH, highlights the main findings and recommendations identified through an audit of the provision of paediatric gastroenterology, hepatology and nutrition services for infants, children and young people with a wide range of conditions across the UK. Its recommendations offer healthcare professionals and providers expert guidance to drive improvement where needed. The News page is here:...

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Upcoming Events

Sheffield IBD Study Day with Professor Dan Turner

Sheffield Children's Hospital will be hosting Professor Dan Turner on 5th July 2024. The day promises to be an academic feast, with multiple talks and chance of personal interaction. We wanted […]

Practical Paediatric GI Motility Course

An exciting 2 day hands on, interactive motility course at Evelina Hospital will be held on 11-12 July 2024. The course will be focused on PH Impedance, Oesophageal and Anorectal Manometry, […]

UK Monogenic Inflammatory Bowel Disease Virtual Grand Round

Transforming the care of patients with complex inflammatory bowel disease. Genomic analysis is a foundation of precision medicine. With a better understanding of the molecular causes of inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD) […]

Glasgow Gastro Conference

The Royal College of Physicians & Surgeons of Glasgow are organising the next in person Glasgow Gastro Conference on the 13th September. Find out more

National Percutaneous Endocopic Gastrostomy Course

A unique opportunity to both observe and practice the different techniques of PEG insertion in children*WHERE? Northern General Hospital, Medical Education Centre, SheffieldWHEN? 13 September 2024 Course fees are £500. […]


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