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British Society of Paediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition

Progressive Familial Intrahepatic Cholestasis and Genetic Cholestasis – Prof. Richard Thompson

Progressive Familial Intrahepatic Cholestasis and Genetic Cholestasis – Prof. Richard Thompson

BSPGHAN Education Series Videos

Progressive Familial Intrahepatic Cholestasis and Genetic Cholestasis – Prof. Richard Thompson

In this talk, Prof. Richard Thompson, King's College Hospital, discusses genetic causes of cholestasis. 

Imaging Paediatric Liver Masses – Dr Helen Woodley

Imaging Paediatric Liver Masses – Dr Helen Woodley

BSPGHAN Education Series Videos

Imaging Paediatric Liver Masses – Dr Helen Woodley

In this presentation Dr Helen Woodley, consultant paediatric radiologist at Leeds Children's Hospital, gives a comprehensive overview of the radiological evaluation of paediatric liver masses.

Acute Liver Failure and Hepatocyte Transplantation – Prof. Anil Dhawan

Acute Liver Failure and Hepatocyte Transplantation – Prof. Anil Dhawan

BSPGHAN Education Series Videos

Acute Liver Failure and Hepatocyte Transplantation – Prof. Anil Dhawan

In this presentation Prof. Anil Dhawan, King's College Hospital, discusses the aetiology of acute liver failure and recent advances in management including hepatocyte transplantation.

King’s College Teaching – Autoimmune Liver Disease – Dr Marianne Samyn

King’s College Teaching – Autoimmune Liver Disease – Dr Marianne Samyn

BSPGHAN Education Series Videos

King’s College Teaching – Autoimmune Liver Disease – Dr Marianne Samyn

In this presentation Dr Marianne Samyn leads the King's College Hostpial liver teaching on autoimmune liver disease and its challenges.


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