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British Society of Paediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition

BSPGHAN / UCLAN Systematic review fellowship 2022-3

We are delighted to announce the launch of this fellowship opportunity. This is a joint opportunity brought to you by the BSPGHAN research committee and Professor Morris Gordon, Director of the Biomedical Evidence synthesis and Translation to practice (BEST) unit at the University of Central Lancashire (UCLAN). The unit houses the Cochrane Gut UK review group, managing the Paediatric IBD and functional bowel disease portfolios. The team have produced 35 systematic reviews, including 20 Cochrane reviews, in the last 3 years.

One successful candidate will be offered a funded secondment from 1st August 2022 for 12 months of 0.1-0.2 FTE. During this time, they will be offered bespoke training in systematic review techniques needed for Cochrane and non-Cochrane reviews. They will join the team for between one and three reviews, with a specific focus on reviews of functional constipation in childhood. These are being produced after requests from the Dutch guidelines team and the NASPGHAN motility committee, with the outputs therefore likely being used to inform these key guidelines.

This is open to all members of BSPGHAN, regardless of their seniority or professional group, and including allied health professionals. No specific skills, with the team currently working with authors at all stages of training and levels of experience. There will be no changes to or interference with clinical activities as per RCPCH portfolio for any successful BSPGHAN trainees, who will receive the support and flexibility required to undertake this fellowship in addition to their core activities.

Virtual working can be fully accommodated. The specific FTE commitment will depend on the individual pay grade of the successful candidate. Once appointed, an agreement between the candidates lead employer will be completed to allow a secondment during the fellowship, with backfill of pay from UCLAN to the lead employer (ensuring there is no change in pay terms or conditions for the candidate and rapid organisation of the role). The role will be subject to agreement by the lead employer for the secondment terms.

We would invite candidates to return the application form by 27th May 2022 to

Informal enquiries can also be made to Professor Gordon by email

or Marco Gasparetto

Surveying National Prevalence, Investigation and Management of Congenital Sucrase-Isomaltase Deficiency (CSID)

Currently there is no clinical standard for investigation / management of congenital sucrase-isomaltase deficiency (CSID). Dr Sam Huthart, Dr Zamvar, Dr Sims and Dr Kontaki from Leeds Teaching Hospitals Trust have put together a google form with the aim of surveying national prevalence, investigation and management of CSID to obtain epidemiological data and establish best-practice. 

To all paediatric gastroenterologists nationwide please help the Leeds team to achieve these outcomes by completing the following survey: Surveying National Prevalence, Investigation and Management of Congenital Sucrase-Isomaltase Deficiency (CSID) – Google Forms


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