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British Society of Paediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition

The Role of Genetics in the Diagnosis of Neonatal Cholestasis – Prof. Dino Hadzic

The Role of Genetics in the Diagnosis of Neonatal Cholestasis – Prof. Dino Hadzic

BSPGHAN Education Series Videos

The Role of Genetics in the Diagnosis of Neonatal Cholestasis – Prof. Dino Hadzic

In this presentation Prof. Dino Hadzic of Kings College Hospital provides an overview of the advances in genetics over the past decade with a specific focus on how molecular genetics has changed our understanding of neonatal cholestasis.

ESPGHAN Parenteral Nutrition Guidelines – Rachel Wood

ESPGHAN Parenteral Nutrition Guidelines – Rachel Wood

BSPGHAN Education Series Videos

ESPGHAN Parenteral Nutrition Guidelines – Rachel Wood

In this presentation Rachel Wood provides an excellent summary of the latest ESPGHAN PN guidelines.

EBV Viraemia and PTLD – Girish Gupte

EBV Viraemia and PTLD – Girish Gupte

BSPGHAN Education Series Videos

EBV Viraemia and PTLD – Girish Gupte

In this presentation, Dr. Girish Gupte discusses all aspects of post-transplant lymphoproliferative disorder.


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