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British Society of Paediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition

NICE guidelines on fluid therapy for children in shock

The exceptional surveillance review for the below guidelines has published on the NICE website and can be accessed via any of the links below:

Changes to the recommendations have already been actioned and can be viewed within the guideline.

If you have any queries about the update decision, please contact

Early investigation and management of children with acute non-A-E hepatitis, with and without liver failure

This clinical framework is intended to provide a structure for the investigation, transfer and management of children with novel non-A-E acute hepatitis in the context of an emergence of a novel disease.

The recommendations within this guidance are based on existing principles of management of acute hepatitis and acute liver failure and on expert consensus opinion in the absence of high quality evidence around this novel condition.

Read on the RCPCH website

PPPP Congress 2022: 8th International Congress of Probiotics, Prebiotics, Postbiotics in Pediatrics

On behalf of Prof. Flavia Indrio and the World Association of Probiotics, Prebiotics, Postbiotics in Pediatrics, I warmly invite you to the PPPP Congress 2022: 8th International Congress of Probiotics, Prebiotics, Postbiotics in Pediatrics that will be held on 15-17 September 2022 in Valencia, Spain.
To see the complete programme of the congress, you may visit its official website at


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