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British Society of Paediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition

Children who are CEV & vaccination advice

Children who are CEV & vaccination advice

Dear members

Children who are CEV & vaccination advice

Following our involvement in the development of the College’s advice on children and young people who are clinically extremely vulnerable, I would like to highlight the College’s recent statement on the COVID-19 vaccination programme.

As you will be aware, the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI) has advised that those who are clinically extremely vulnerable (CEV) and aged 16+ should be vaccinated as part of priority group 4, alongside those aged 70-74. JCVI’s advice is available here. The College supports JCVI’s approach on vaccine prioritisation, and we’d encourage you to follow that. It is essential that the programme is guided by evidence and we expect to see more safety and efficacy data gathered in the next few months that will inform vaccination strategies for groups not covered by this first phase (such as children and young people under 16 who are CEV).

The RCPCH also wanted to flag with you that it has recently come to our attention that, following the introduction of lockdown in England on 4 Jan, all those who are CEV and on the NHS Digital shielded patient list in England (adults, children and young people) have been sent a letter from the DHSC advising them to shield. This letter also refers to the vaccination programme but does not make it clear that those aged under 16 are not in the priority groups in the first phase. Contrary to what is said in the letter, it is not expected that children and young people under 16 who are CEV will be invited for vaccination by mid-February 2021. The RCPCH have raised this unfortunate miscommunication issue with DHSC and NHS England and asked them to look into it.

BSPGHAN President

Frontline Gastroenterology- Online Access Now Available for BSPGHAN Members

Frontline Gastroenterology- Online Access Now Available for BSPGHAN Members

BSPGHAN Council are delighted to announce that we have consolidated an affiliation with Frontline Gastroenterology. FG is an official publication of the British Society of Gastroenterology  and is a companion journal to Gut and BMJ Open Gastroenterology. Frontline Gastroenterology publishes articles that accelerate adoption of innovative and best practice in the fields of gastroenterology, hepatology and clinical nutrition. Frontline Gastroenterology is especially interested in articles on multidisciplinary research and care, focusing on both retrospective assessments of novel models of care as well as putative future directions of best practice. The journal also publishes articles in the domains of clinical quality, patient experience, service provision and medical education.

This arrangement offers an exciting opportunity for BSPGHAN members to receive Free access to the online publication as a benefit of membership.

Access is via the secure member area on the BSPGHAN website- after logging in, click on the Frontline Gastroenterology link to access the journal. If you have any problems accessing this, please email us at


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