Dear members
I hope this email finds you all well.
I trust that you are looking forward to our BSPGHAN Annual Meeting 27-29th April. If you already registered for January, there’s no need to re-register for April. A reminder that accepted abstracts will be published in Frontline Gastroenterology.
I hope that you are making regular use of your access to the journal and enjoying the brilliant educational material that is accessed via our members login page?
Please see Highlights for Members – Publishing Papers to Impact on Practice for March 2021 sent from the Editor in Chief, Professor Mark Beattie.
Best wishes
Sue BSPGHAN President.
Dear Colleagues
I wanted to highlight some of our recent published content that I thought would be of interest
The gut microbiome: what every gastroenterologist needs to know
Getting to grips with sarcopenia: recent advances and practical management for the gastroenterologist
Diagnostic ileocolonoscopy: getting the basics right
Refeeding syndrome : physiological background and practical management
British Society of Gastroenterology (BSG)-led multisociety consensus care bundle for the early clinical management of acute upper gastrointestinal bleeding
Also online first
How to manage a high-output stoma
Short bowel syndrome in infancy: recent advances and practical management
Gut-focused hypnotherapy for children and adolescents with irritable bowel syndrome
Exit strategies from the COVID-19 lockdown for children and young people receiving home parenteral nutrition (HPN): lessons from the BSPGHAN Intestinal Failure Working Group experience
Eosinophilic oesophagitis: recent advances and practical management
Check out the journal – lots of other excellent content across gastroenterology, endoscopy, hepatology and nutrition
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Listen to our regular podcasts
Check out the instructions for authors – send us your best work – pre submission enquiries welcome
Mark Beattie
Professor RM Beattie
Consultant Paediatric Gastroenterologist
Honorary Professor of Paediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition
Editor in Chief Frontline Gastroenterology