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British Society of Paediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition

President 2nd April 2020:  Update 1. Guidance for health professionals with IBD/liver disease 2. IBD registry tool  3. Guidance for trainees 4. treatment and vaccines for covid19 from EMA

President 2nd April 2020: Update 1. Guidance for health professionals with IBD/liver disease 2. IBD registry tool 3. Guidance for trainees 4. treatment and vaccines for covid19 from EMA

Please see the following updates 

  1. Guidance for health professionals with IBD or liver disease

  1. Cvid19 UK IBD registry tool for adult patients

 The tool aims to help identify and reach moderate and high-risk IBD patients. 

The IBD registry tool is currently restricted to those are are aged 18 years or older but they are working on extending its use to under 18s

  1. COVID-19 – RCPCH trainee progression in the UK through 2020

  1. EMA press releases related to COVID-19:

Please check EMA’s dedicated webpage on COVID-19 for the latest updates.

Thank you all again for your continued collaborative effort to support professionals  and patients.

Best wishes

Sue Protheroe


President 2/4/20

President 2nd April 2020:  Update 1. Guidance for health professionals with IBD/liver disease 2. IBD registry tool  3. Guidance for trainees 4. treatment and vaccines for covid19 from EMA

President update 31st March 2020 Latest NHS E HPN patient letter for circulation

Dear members

Please share this updated letter C0106 HPN COVID patient information_UPDATED_27 March  with families of children on home parenteral nutrition. It outlines plans that home care providers are putting in place and changes that families may expect. 

Please be aware of the latest advice. 

 “Keeping yourself safe”

“The government is regularly updating its guidance on at-risk groups. In light of the  latest information your hospital teams now consider that patients on HPN are a high risk group, as you/your child have significant organ impairment (GI) and a central venous access device in place. This advice is endorsed by the British Society of Gastroenterology. It advises you to follow the guidance on ‘shielding’ stringently, as outlined by the government, and you are strongly advised to stay at home and avoid any face-to-face contact for at least 12 weeks in the first instance.
This can be challenging but the consensus is it is the best way to keep yourself/your child safe”.

Kind regards
Sue Protheroe
BSPGHAN President 31/03/20

President update Monday 30th March 2020- Endoscopy and IBD statements from ESPGHAN

President update Monday 30th March 2020- Endoscopy and IBD statements from ESPGHAN

This is a challenging time but amid the concern, there are uplifting stories of how people are looking out for each other and communities pulling together. The children’s rainbows of hope in windows and the national clap for carers to celebrate the work of the NHS and care workers on Thursday were much appreciated.   

Information is useful—but too much information can be unhelpful. I have limited news updates to new information from consensus sources. We don’t generally benefit from watching the news over and over. Try to focus instead on the things you need to get done. Value the rest of the time to relax with your family or friends and reach out to those who may not have such good support networks as you may have. 

The bulletins below have some reassuring observations for our patients.

I hope that these help guide your practice while working differently.

1 )Statement “Gastrointestinal endoscopy in children and COVID 19 pandemic” – ESPGHAN  Endoscopy Special Interest Group

“..elective procedures – especially those such as upper gastrointestinal (GI) endoscopy which is an ‘aerosol-generating procedure’ (AGP) – should be put on hold at present. Equally ileocolonoscopy, given that we know now that COVID-19 can be excreted in stools. Local and physician judgment should occur when determining which patients require urgent endoscopic diagnostic testing, but these should be kept to a minimum. Obviously, life-saving endoscopy such as GI bleeding and button battery ingestion are mandatory and should not be deferred. In the event of endoscopy being required a full personal exposure protection package should be worn by those in the immediate vicinity of the endoscopy including an FPP3 mask or equivalent”

3) Letter from  Lorenzo d’Antiga, Italy  “Coronaviruses and immunosuppressed patients”

Preliminary experience so far show that children under 12 years of age do not develop coronavirus pneumonia regardless of their immune status although they get infected and can spread the infection. Immune suppressed patients are not at risk for severe pulmonary disease compared with the general population. 

2) Article “COVID-19 and paediatric inflammatory bowel diseases: global experience and provisional guidance (March 2020) from the Paediatric IBD Porto group of ESPGHAN”.   see PDF attached

Preliminary data for PIBD patients during COVID-19 outbreak are reassuring.

IBD per-se does not currently seem to be a risk factor for acquiring SARS-CoV-2, nor for a more severe infection. Standard IBD treatments including biologics should continue at present

4) Surveys – please report cases of COVID-19

  1. a)  “PedIBD and Covid-19” ESPGHAN Porto IBD Group
  2. b) “EoE/EGID and COVID-19 ”

Best wishes 

Sue Protheroe

President 30 March 2020

President 2nd April 2020:  Update 1. Guidance for health professionals with IBD/liver disease 2. IBD registry tool  3. Guidance for trainees 4. treatment and vaccines for covid19 from EMA

BSG/JAG statement on personal protective equipment (PPE)

  • All upper GI endoscopy should be considered high risk and enhanced PPE is recommended for all patients, regardless of any risk stratification.
  • BSG also considers lower GI endoscopies to be aerosol generating procedures (AGP) but the evidence for this is less strong and there is insufficient evidence to consider these as high risk at the present time
  • Risk stratification of patients by symptoms and temperature is of limited value, given the widespread prevalence and incubation period of up to 14 days
  • We recognise the limited availability of PPE, especially FFP3 masks, and so case selection is critical, focussing only on emergency and absolutely essential procedures. Minimising the volume of emergency activity will help preserve PPE supply.

Notes on FFP3 masks and enhanced PPE

  • Proper fitting and testing prior to use
  • Although ‘single use’ can use for several hours if not removed/contaminated
  • FFP3 uncomfortable after prolonged wearing, may affect ease of procedure
  • Cannot e.g. use phone, visit, toilet, eat or drink once enhanced PPE is on
  • Meticulous removal of enhanced PPE is vital; follow PHE advice
  • For COVID-positive patients – consider wearing full visor and surgical mask over FFP3 mask. This minimises risk of contamination of FFP3 mask and prolongs use

Further Key points for Optimal Practice

For known COVID-positive patients

  • Scope in designated, different area of the department
  • Designated, separate recovery area
  • Minimal furniture and equipment in room
  • Minimum essential staff in room


  • PPE is only part of the strategy to prevent and control transmission of infection
  • Team organisation –essential staff only in procedure room
  • Don’t share PCs, keyboards, phones etc – or clean thoroughly between users

The situation is rapidly evolving and this guidance may be updated regularly


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